Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

After 11 tools Reflections = )

After doing the 11 tools
1. My favorite tools in my personal technology toolbox are: flikr, wordle, delicious, skype, animoto, photostory, all the google extras like docs and play, the powerful force of the wikis, ooo and i really like blinkx makes finding videos easy, all the apps and podcasts.
my favs are anythign with videos and pictures.
One particular activity that I am planning to ensure my students to use these new tools will be to use them during centers: I plan to have one center for writting about science/math using the i-pod touch app(Astronomy pics [science and math]) 5 sentences/paragraph about the pic, another center will have the students creating a video story using animoto/photostory/i-movie about a specific topic, place value in math or sun shadows in science. The other centers are still in process =).
2. I have transfomed my thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom by realizing that I am but a facilitator in my classroom, and I must demonstrate through my actions and communication, and my daily work,routine and structure what I expect of my students. And that I must teach them to have doubt, investigate and then create a logical conclusion.
3. There any a lot of unexpected outcomes that surprised me: many times I think I know it already especially when it comes to technology, and I was very guarded in discovering the different tools that are available. I liked all of them (i thought i wouldn't need them) and think the tools have different aspects that appeal to all kinds of learners.

I know i will be back to blogg some more, bye

Tool #11 Digital Citizenship

I am so glad this is the last tool, because it is the one I feel I will be looking at first.

Three main objectives I will be teaching my students are:

1-digital access 2. digital etiquette 3. digital security

I am going to plan a couple of lessons that will focus on those and then continue moniotring students comprehension through the school year. One lesson will be explaing (using technology and examples and the other will be using hands on and group work about different situations. After the two lessons, I will have the students go on PBS to get their Internet Driver License (the link is below the wordle). I found all the websites on the main blog to be very helpful and have selected a few that I liked and had no trouble reading here are the links to those:

TEA - Internet Safety - Educators Digital Citizenship go to resources, download useable files

Wordle: Untitled

PBS Internet License

Tool# 10 Mobile Tech and Apps

There are plenty of free educational apps and extras, these are a few i have:
Pop Math lite, Arithmetic-Astronomy Pictures, Nasa App, Space Images -Lit2go (podcasts)-Are you smarter than a 5ht grader, brain trainer and brain pop.
these are pretty cool apps among many cool apps, I just got to play a little and hopefully will get a chance to practice some more on them.

WOW!!! There is more stuff than apps, like pod casts, note writing, video streaming etc. There are many podcast that could be subscribed to that are free and updated..
Go to I-tunes U -->Teaching Education -->k-12-->Continuity of learning then pick your subject

I will be using mobile tech, i-pod, apps and other tech, through warm-ups, centers, group work and differentiation. (the touch will be used daily during lessons). I plan to use the apps for different settings and demonstrate to the students how technology is applicable in various situations and also how important using traditional tools, like paper and pencil are still important, = )

Tool#9 Instant Communicating-video

I think screencasting will help our students communicate their instant thoughts using their screen shots and creating videos with voice and text using Jing. this kind of reminds me of photostory, so it was pretty easy.

I think communicating via the internet through skype is pretty cool, and i think this will enable our students to communicate from school or home, with people worldwide!!
I created a skype account, I personally like the option of the students and their families having the availability of free communication, if they have a laptop- they could be able to access free internet in many places!! With skype the student may be working on homework, have question, see that I am on skype, and ask the question, = ). Immediate feedback. i love it!

If anyone creates askype account look me up and we can have a video conversation or at least a voice conversation through skype.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Place Value by Sing and Groove

This video is also linked on the side bar in math video links.