Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tool #11 Digital Citizenship

I am so glad this is the last tool, because it is the one I feel I will be looking at first.

Three main objectives I will be teaching my students are:

1-digital access 2. digital etiquette 3. digital security

I am going to plan a couple of lessons that will focus on those and then continue moniotring students comprehension through the school year. One lesson will be explaing (using technology and examples and the other will be using hands on and group work about different situations. After the two lessons, I will have the students go on PBS to get their Internet Driver License (the link is below the wordle). I found all the websites on the main blog to be very helpful and have selected a few that I liked and had no trouble reading here are the links to those:

TEA - Internet Safety - Educators Digital Citizenship go to resources, download useable files

Wordle: Untitled

PBS Internet License

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of the Internet License! However, when I clicked on your link, there was an error message. Could you double check the link? Thanks!
