Thursday, July 1, 2010

After 11 tools Reflections = )

After doing the 11 tools
1. My favorite tools in my personal technology toolbox are: flikr, wordle, delicious, skype, animoto, photostory, all the google extras like docs and play, the powerful force of the wikis, ooo and i really like blinkx makes finding videos easy, all the apps and podcasts.
my favs are anythign with videos and pictures.
One particular activity that I am planning to ensure my students to use these new tools will be to use them during centers: I plan to have one center for writting about science/math using the i-pod touch app(Astronomy pics [science and math]) 5 sentences/paragraph about the pic, another center will have the students creating a video story using animoto/photostory/i-movie about a specific topic, place value in math or sun shadows in science. The other centers are still in process =).
2. I have transfomed my thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom by realizing that I am but a facilitator in my classroom, and I must demonstrate through my actions and communication, and my daily work,routine and structure what I expect of my students. And that I must teach them to have doubt, investigate and then create a logical conclusion.
3. There any a lot of unexpected outcomes that surprised me: many times I think I know it already especially when it comes to technology, and I was very guarded in discovering the different tools that are available. I liked all of them (i thought i wouldn't need them) and think the tools have different aspects that appeal to all kinds of learners.

I know i will be back to blogg some more, bye

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